T-Minus 90 Days until we set on this adventure we've taken on. Time on the bike has amped up. I've been conquering mountain passes and roads I never thought were doable for a "non-climber" like me. I've been picking the brains of some inspirational people who have given me some invaluable advice. I'm coming up with an event "Bible". Figuring out how to raise $10,000. Making lists. Planning. Getting equally as nervous as I am excited. I've started to tell people about what we're doing in an attempt to spread the word because this is so important. Often, I get reactions of indifference. And sometimes I get asked, "Why? What does Noah, a kid who is so different than us 'normal' folk, get out of this?" That's been a really hard question to answer up until now. People don't get it. They don't get WHY. This experience with Noah is teaching me that differences aren't road blocks. They're small speed bu...