No. It most certainly wasn't. Half marathon #2 is in the books and my hips HATE me today. Yesterday, I completed 13.1 miles in the Publix Half Marathon alongside my friends, Naomi and Noah with the support of The Kyle Pease Foundation. To say I wasn't ready is an understatement. I'm fairly confident that if either Naomi or I had said to one another, "Let's not do this", we probably would have bowed out. I hadn't trained enough, I knew my body was going to hate me (and it does) and with the business of the weekend, I was dehydrated and hadn't eaten. We got to the start and I made a point to take a quick look from the start line backwards to take in the sea of's one of my most favorite things to do at this event as it's a picture perfect reminder of all the hard work that's put into getting 40 athletes and 150 pushers to the start. I found Naomi and as we spent 3 minutes waiting for the official "go ahead" all I k...