Spring is officially here, y'all. It brings much warmer temperatures, unpredictable weather and LOTS of pollen. I'm lucky that I'm not one of the people who suffer from terrible pollen allergies, but it seems to get to everyone this time of year. So much so that I find myself thankful for rainy days that help keep my car clean and my nose a little clearer! We recently started a new landscape project on our ENTIRE yard. I'll post all about that when it's done! It's our first big project for the house and something we've talked about since we bought the place. We're learning lots of lessons in the process including the one where you start a massive project on your house only to have your air conditioner die. :-/ It is what it is and we're thankful that the weather is nice enough for us to have our windows open while we wait the 5 to 10 days until we can get it fixed. While we've been focusing on the bigger picture, our back deck w...