Tuesday ended up being the single worst traffic day in Atlanta. That's not official or anything, but I'm willing to bet. Like we often do in the Georgia winters, we had a threat of snow for Tuesday afternoon. 95% of the time nothing happens and, if it does, it's nothing to call home to mom about. Once every few years, we find ourselves shut down because of icy conditions that make it impossible to get anywhere. I'm one of those people who never believe the weathermen when they say it's going to snow, because it usually doesn't...cut to Tuesday around noon. It started snowing. A lot. And then it started sticking. And then, around 1-ish, every school in metro Atlanta let out along with every business causing a mass exodus of what is estimated at 1,000,000 cars. That's one MILLION. On roads that can barely handle our normal rush hour traffic. In conditions that were dismal. Snow quickly turns to ice in the South and bec...