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Banana Chips

As I mentioned before, after the 1st day our 10 day clean eating diet I realized the importance of a good and healthy snack.  So, I Googled away.  There were 3 things that were super important to me:

1.  An easy recipe
2.  Something I could make ahead of time 
3. Something with few, but healthy ingredients 

I found two recipes that I wanted to make asap.  One was for lara bars which will be saved for another post and the other was banana chips.  I don't buy banana chips much if at all, but I love bananas and I loved how easy it seemed to be to make them.  I don't have a dehydrator, but there were plenty of oven baked chip recipes out there!  I used a variation of the one I found at

I did one batch earlier this week that didn't turn out so well.  I think it was because I was impatient (imagine that!) so I turned the heat up higher than recommended and cut the bananas pretty thin.  Needless to say, in half the time allotted, I sort of burnt them.  They weren't ruined, but they were ugly and a tad on the crispy side.

I decided to give it one more go and bought a couple of banana bunches at the Farmer's Market.  It's a SLOW process, so make sure you have plenty of time.  You are dehydrating them after all!

Here's what you need:
5 Bananas (this makes several servings)
Juice of 1 lemon

Pre-Heat your oven to 200.  Low and slow, y'all!
Line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper...some websites suggested spraying a little cooking oil to prevent sticking, but I didn't have a problem without it

 I cut the bananas into about 1/4" slices, then dipped them in the lemon juice before placing them on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper

 All lined up and ready to go!

I put the bananas in the oven at 200 degrees for an hour and a half before flipping them over.
Another hour and a half later, they were still soft, but smelling good!

 Halfway through baking....

I would suggest using an hour and a half increments in the oven flipping them after each increment.  This batch took about 4 1/2 hours to make because I like my chips on the chewy side.  Total personal and possibly weird preference!  


The finished product turned out great!  They are super yummy even though they're a little dark.  I guess I'm going to have to keep experimenting to get them to look like these, but practice makes perfect doesn't it?


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